Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego? Or better yet, where the hell have I been?

 I know, I know- EVERYONE and their mother has been waiting with bated breath for a new post. The reality of it all is that I simply have been caught up by my own worst demons; the restlessness of wanting to be a minimalist while having "extravagant" shopping habits.

And by extravagant I mean going to the local goodwill ( a thrift store/second hand/charity shop) for any readers that are not from the USA.

Lets be real for a moment- alot of change has occurred since my last post:

  • A new presidency has been elected (WOOHOO Biden+Harris)
  • Vaccines has been released for the public. (Praise to Modern Medicine)
  • I have gutted by wardrobe and rearranged all of my handbags, so that I can very easily see my little fashion treasures at a glance when I am getting dressed day. (GOD. I love my walk in closet...)
  • I have become absolutely, madly, deeply obsessed with vintage cookware a la Corningware.
  • My apartments walls are actually beginning to look decorated too
Thats just the fun stuff. There have been some emotional highs and lows of course- but that's called being a human on this earth.

To call back to previous posts- this blog was started as a mental exercise in creative writing. I mean, what do bloggers really do? They write and write and write. And some of them write with the spirit of Carrie Bradshaw looking over his shoulder while she smokes. (ITS A VIBE. GOD.)

No but seriously, I do like to evoke the airy and carefree monologue of Carrie Bradshaw's voiceovers when she is working on a new column. Like seriously, that is my "inner voice". (Well, one of them...)


Back to my original point- the (current) purpose is to exercise my creative writing skills through answering a series of writing prompts in a little book called "The Book of Questions" by Gregory Stock. So far, I have been able to answer a few, but I would hope that I can actually follow through and finish the whole book. Quite a loft goal for a person who likes to start multiple projects and then never finish any of them before moving onto another fascination. Yeah, I just insulted like a quarter of the world probaby. Probably.

I am assuming that there are no gaps in the numbering of the questions in the book, so I will simply use the bolded number that is associated with the question...

Anyhow- I should probably queue up this post and then try to work on answering another writing prompt. Maybe this time; I will type out the question instead of just taking a picture and then inserting it. Hmm, we will see...


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