Question7: Another Ice Age (without the cute characters)

 Do you think that the world will be a better or a worse place 100 years from now?

Worse. Honestly- much worse.

I will be quite frank here, humans have been inordinately destroying this earth since the industrial revolution and it's probably high time that we pay the price. While it is VERY apparent that there have been plenty of warning signs that the earth is totally going down the shitter- humans are just not listening.

Do you seriously trust all of humanity to take a step back and realize the error of their ways? No. I am seriously hopping that a asteroid comes in and wipes us all out and sends the world into another ice age. Humans are a virus on this earth and need to be stopped. You and I included.

A totally polarized view, I know. But what's the point of constant nuances? We need something simple.


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