Question 6: the Old Switcheroo

 You discover your wonderful one-year-old child is, because of a mixup at the hospital, not yours. Would you want to exchange the child to correct the mistake?


I really don't plan on having children because children are expensive, and I dont feel like having grape juice spilled all over my white couch. But good lord, if I received the wrong child I would be livid.

I (would) want the proper child that belongs to me. If you go to  burger joint and ask for a double bacon cheeseburger and they give you a grilled chicken- youre going to be mad right? Right? Right.

Now watch some idiot say " OMG BUT BUT BUT YOU HAVE rAiSeD this child for OVER  a year and you have emotionally bonded to the child!!!!". That still doesn't change the fact that this child is not my own flesh and blood, when that is what was supposed to happen. Seriously people, stop getting your emotional panties in a bunch and try to make excuses. 

If its not right and proper, fix it. Simple as that.

Lord- yall need some milk.


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