Question 2: Ghost/Ghouls/[G]Hookers

Answering the prompt:

No, well...not really. I don't really believe in ghosts or evil spirits, but I definitely believe that there are multiple things that exist in the world for which we do not have fully rationalized explanations with empirical evidence tp "back them up". I do have a fun little story about ghost growing up as a child. Back when I was about in elementary school, I was having a sleepover at my aunt's apartment with my cousins. As the only boy my age among the group of children, i didn't want to play whatever game they were playing. So I took my little butt to the kitchen and stared out the large kitchen window (I was probably also getting a snack because I was and still am a fat kid LOL). So anyways, I opened the previously closed window and stuck my little head out the window and looked down to the sidewalk- I think I was on the 2nd or 3rd story. When I looked down I could swear that I saw a woman that was made of smoke and see-through that was beckoning me to "open the door". I shook my head at her to to tell her that I couldn't do it. She kept on beckoning me, so as any good little kid did, I went and got the oldest kid home to come and deal with this problem. I went and grabbed my oldest cousin and told her to come to the window and talk to the lady/ghost. When my cousin and I arrived, the lady was gone. Of course I  swore up and down that there was someone down there that was telling me to open the door.

Realistically speaking, it was probably some hooker that wanted to be let into the building so that she didn't have to stand in the cold. I know. Weird. I was probably also loopy because I was hopped up on sugar while sleepy at 3am in the morning with a ton of kids running around the apartment screaming at the top of their lungs. But who knows? Was it a ghost? Likely not- but it is a fun thought. 


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