Question 1: Moving across the world for "Love", what is Love? (and why did i capitalize that)

Well- this would be a difficult question for me to truly ponder as I do not really have any romantic inclinations right now. I've never even seriously dated LOL. I just don't think I would be able to give a romantic partner what they would need from a relationship. Yes- a part of this probably sounds strange t the average person that would assume that any ole regular-degular-schmegular person would WANT to be in a relationship. 

But- consider this, aromantic. (look what I copied from google, well technically BING but who is counting here...)

  1. having no interest in or desire for romantic relationships.
Yeah, I know. What does that word mean? Well- read it. Google it. (or click that link above)

 It means that there is little to no interest in romantic relationships- which is not the same thing as a sexual relationship.Even then- would I be willing to move to a distant country for a person that I deeply loved?Well- thats a tricky question. We would have to really parse out the definition of "loved" and if this is the same definition that we (YOU-the reader and I) really need to be on the same page on.

From a platonic standpoint- YES! I have done it before and I have done it time and time again.

From a romantic standpoint- highly unlikely, as I do not really

From a sexual standpoint- absolutely not. Absolutely. Not. Not gonna happen.

That's it for now.

Oh and if you didn't catch it, there was a small song reference in the title of this blog! :)


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